Today I am going to talk about GI, THE GLYCAEMIC INDEX.
This is close to my heart as I know eating high GI foods really effect my well being and how I keep myself healthy by following a low GI way of eating.
Glycaemic Index is the measurement of the speed that we burn food. Foods with high glycaemic index are converted rapidly to glucose in the body, while foods with low glycaemic index are converted more slowly. Then the glucose is taken to the bloodstream by insulin. If we eat too much of high GI foods, high level of glucose enters the bloodstream and body panics and too much glucose can be harmful. It can lead to weight gain, cell damage also negatif effect on heart and the skin. By switching to low GI diet we can prevent the panic reaction and have a pozitif effect on our body function and condition. Below are the CARBS with high and low GI.
LOW GI carbohydrates
Granary bread, soya bread, barley bread, porridge, bulgur wheat, egg noodles, new potatoes, milk, yogurt, low fat ice cream, plain chocolate, nuts and seeds.
HIGH GI carbohydrates
White bread, flaked cereals, millet, pasta, potatoes, rice, boiled sweets, popcorn, waffles, pretzels, rice cakes.
LOW GI fruits
Apples, avocado, kiwi, white grapes, citrus fruits, plums, strawberries, tomatoes, grapefruit, peaches, pears, apricots, blackberries.
HIGH GI fruits
Dates, watermelon.
HIGH GI vegetables
Parsnips, pumpkin, swede, turnip. Rest of the vegetables are LOW GI.
All the beans and pulses are LOW GI except Broad beans.
All of the protein foods are LOW GI.
I collected some of the information above, from the book GI basics by Helen Foster.